Sport Layout Activation on Audi Virtual Cockpit

Sport Layout on Audi Virtual Cockpit

Activation of the sports layout is possible when adding a brand new cluster to the car (FPK – Frei Programmierbares Kombiinstrument). Before crossing the 100km threshold, we can freely set the mileage and also choose whether the sport layout (S3/RS3) will be available in the options.

Data and widgets are displayed on the meter in the form of layouts – a concept very similar to that used in MIB2 units. To enable the display of Sport Layouts in a car in which they were not available from the factory, we muse using UDS commands to store the corresponding value in the meter’s memory.

Note that the specified method works only on FPK Gen1 meters (e.g. Audi A3, Audi TT). The given operation may lead to damage to the cluster, check the version of the cluster and the opgorwanowania you have! You proceed at your own risk.

Activation with ODIS-E

  1. Select “0017 – Instrument cluster
  2. Double-click “009 – Diagnostic session
  3. Select “Development mode
  4. Double-click “008 – Access right” type 20103 .
  5. Select “011 – Special functions, 011.01 – Hex-Service “.
  6. Using UDS, we send a new configuration to the cluster. Depending on the variant:
    • RS Layout: 3D 14 03 00 3C 09 01 03
    • S Layout: S: 3D 14 03 00 3C 09 01 01
    • Disable: 3D 14 03 00 3C 09 01 00

What do the above values mean?
3D – WriteMemoryByAddress (writing to a specific memory address)
14 – 1 = size of the data we are writing (in bytes), 4 = size of the address (in bytes).
03 00 3C 09 – the memory address we want to write to
01 – the amount of data we are saving
03 – the value we are saving – is responsible for the layout configuration in our case

Then we should send the command 11 02, which will reset Virtual Cockpit and restart it reading the new configuration. Alternatively, we can wait 15 minutes for the car to go into sleep mode.

Activation using Car Scanner

The second method of activation is to use Car Scanner Pro, described in detail here.

Thanks to lprot for describing the method and to Dawid for sending the screenshot.


  1. Thank you for the sharing :Sport Layout Activation on Audi Virtual Cockpit”.

    You explain this with ODIS. Do you know also how to do with VCDS (AUDI TT).

    Thank you.

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